The Relevance Group GmbH
Hamburg location
Gorch-Fock-Wall 1a
20354 Hamburg
Seat of the company:
Phone: +49 40 471 134 830
Fax: +49 40 471 134 858
Managing Director:
Andreas Hannemann
Peter Joachim Fiegel
Jan Kaeten
Registry Court:
Local court Hamburg
HRB 172134
Tax number: 48/763/04703
VAT no.: DE 353292230
Responsible for content: Andreas Hannemann
Legal notice:
Where the The Relevance Group GmbH website contains links to third-party websites, The Relevance Group GmbH accepts no responsibility for the content GmbH accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the content, information, messages, materials or links to other websites available there. We expressly declare that we do not adopt the contents of linked sites as our own.